You know, that hockey, or whatever you call it, I don’t really get it. But my grandson, he’s always yellin’ about it. He keeps talkin’ about the Capitals and the Rangers. Capitals and Rangers, who will win? I hear them on that TV all the time. Gotta pick a side, I guess. Which team is better? Hard to say.
Seems like every time I turn around, them Capitals are playin’. Or maybe it’s the Rangers. They all look the same to me in those outfits. My grandson says one team’s from New York and the other’s from Washington. That’s all I know. Capitals and Rangers prediction, that is what I am saying.
Tuesday, Tuesday, Tuesday! That’s what he keeps sayin’. Tuesday they play. Who will win? He says the Capitals are gonna win by 4. He’s always sayin’ they’re gonna win by somethin’. He’s got all these numbers and things. I don’t know where he gets it all. But you know, it is hard to make a prediction.
- Capitals gonna win, maybe.
- Rangers gonna win, maybe.
- Tuesday is the day, I guess.
- I just want some peace and quiet!
Last year, he was yellin’ about some “playoffs” thing. Said the Capitals did somethin’ surprising. -37? What’s that mean? I don’t get these numbers. He says they weren’t supposed to win but they did anyway. Maybe they’re good, these Capitals. Or maybe it is just luck.
He showed me somethin’ on his phone. Said it was the “odds.” Capitals got some kinda odds to win somethin’ called the Stanley Cup. +2500, he said. 14th best, whatever that means. This is about the Capitals and Rangers prediction. I think I heard him say it was good odds. Or maybe bad. I don’t know. All these numbers, they just confuse an old lady like me.
He also said that Rangers got better chance to win the game. But he likes the Capitals. He says there is a 2.5% edge. I don’t know what is that. But he is always talking about edge.
Then he said somethin’ about “moneyline”. Whatever. He’s always talkin’ about money. Kids these days. And “expert predictions.” Experts! Who are these experts? Probably just some fellas on the TV. They don’t know nothin’ more than me.
They playin’ in New York, he says. Madison Square Garden. Sounds fancy. I ain’t never been. Too far. And too loud. I like it quiet. He says it’s gonna be on TV. SN, TVAS. I don’t know what those are. Just more noise, I bet. 7 p.m. he said. Capitals Rangers prediction. What time is that?
Rangers are the favorite, he said. Does that mean they are better? I don’t know. He says they got an edge. New York Rangers, Washington Capitals. Maybe the Rangers are better. He says they gonna win in “regulation.” What’s that? They got rules for winnin’ now too? Goodness. Everything’s so complicated these days.
Who am I gonna root for? I don’t know. Maybe the Capitals. Just to be different. My grandson, he likes them, so maybe I will too. Or maybe the Rangers. I don’t know. It don’t really matter to me, I guess. As long as he’s happy. That’s all that matters.
So, Capitals, Rangers, Tuesday. That’s all I know. One of ’em’s gonna win, I suppose. Or maybe they’ll tie. Do they tie in hockey? I don’t even know that. He’ll tell me, I’m sure. He tells me everything about this hockey. Too much, if you ask me.
I just hope it ain’t too loud. My ears ain’t what they used to be. This is my Capitals Rangers prediction. That is all I can say. I just hope it is a good game.