This here wild nyt crossword, it ain’t no walk in the park, I tell ya. My eyes ain’t what they used to be, but I still try to figure out them little boxes. Some days, I get a few words, other days, not so much. It’s like wrasslin’ with a greased pig, this crossword thing.
They say Monday is the easiest. Well, easy for some, maybe. For me, it’s still a head-scratcher. I seen folks sayin’ it gets harder as the week goes on. Saturday? Forget about it! That one’s tougher than a two-dollar steak. I just stare at it, and my brain feels like mush.
I heard some folks, they do these wild nyt crossword things every day. Every single day! Can you believe it? They say it keeps their minds sharp. Well, maybe it does. Mine feels like it’s gettin’ duller by the minute. They spend hours on those things. More time than it takes to do all the laundry in the family, I reckon.
Some folks, they got all these tips and tricks. They say start with the fill-in-the-blank ones. Like, if it says “____ and Jerry”, well, you know that’s gotta be “Tom”. That’s an easy one. Or if it says, you know, the capital of France, well, everyone knows that’s Paris.
But then they got all these other words, words I ain’t never even heard of. Words longer than my arm! Makes my head spin just lookin’ at ’em. I try to sound ’em out, but it don’t always work. It’s like they are speakin’ a different language sometimes.
- They say you gotta know the rules. Rules, schmuels!
- What rules? You put the letters in the boxes, that’s all I know.
- Sometimes the clues are tricky. They try to fool ya, I think.
- Like they’re playin’ a game with ya. A wild nyt crossword game.
I seen folks use a pencil, so they can erase if they make a mistake. Smart, I guess. I usually just use a pen. If I mess up, I mess up. Ain’t no use cryin’ over spilled milk, right?
This one fella, he said he does them wild nyt crossword puzzles to relax. Relax! Can you imagine? It stresses me out more than a cat in a room full of rocking chairs. But hey, to each their own, I suppose.
I remember when I was younger, I used to be pretty good at these things. Not great, but pretty good. Now, my memory ain’t what it used to be. I forget things. Names, dates, what I had for breakfast… It’s all a blur sometimes.
But I keep tryin’. I figure it’s good for me, you know? Keeps me thinkin’, even if it’s just for a little while. And who knows, maybe one day I’ll actually finish one of them Saturday puzzles. Maybe when pigs fly, huh?
They got all these fancy words for these things. Constructors, they call ’em. The folks who make these wild nyt crossword puzzles. And editors, too. Fancy folks, I bet. Sittin’ around, thinkin’ up ways to make us regular folks scratch our heads.
Crossword Puzzles are hard for sure.
- If you never done one, it’s gonna be tough, I tell ya.
- Just like learnin’ to ride a bike, I reckon.
- You fall down a few times, but you eventually get the hang of it. Maybe.
I heard some people say they start with the easy ones, and then work their way up to the harder ones. Build up some confidence before they tackle them bigger ones. Sounds good, but it is hard to do.
I seen this one lady, she had a whole system. She’d do all the across clues first, then all the down clues. Said it helped her see the patterns. Patterns? All I see is a bunch of squares and letters. This wild nyt crossword is hard.
Anyways, I gotta get back to my chores. Got a whole pile of laundry to do, and these dishes ain’t gonna wash themselves. Maybe I’ll try that crossword again later. Or maybe I’ll just take a nap. We’ll see.
The New York Times crossword puzzle is no joke, let me tell you. It is something wild.
One more thing. I do know some things. Like if it says a name or a place and it is the only one answer, I will know that one. If it says “Elvis _____” you know it is gonna be Presley. That is just common sense I think. But then again, I am not so sure about this wild nyt crossword puzzle.